Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Liscence to Wed!!

It seems as though from now until the wedding will be filled with something to do every.single.day!!!

Josh is getting off work early today (its my day off) so we can do the following:

- Go downtown and meet with the new event planner at the chapel.
- Go to the silly county building where we are going to get OUR MARRIAGE LISCENCE!
- Go to Helzberg to pick out Josh's ring and get it sized if need be. I will also be giving up my ring to get it rhoto-plated again before the big day. Sad!
- Write a bunch of checks for remaining balances on the florist, the harpist, the cake and a limo. Sheesh.

With each of these little things we accomplish, it feels just more and more real. It still feels like we have so much to do, but honestly we are runnin out of time!!! Eek! The wedding nightmares have struck full -force. I am not sure if they are nightmares so much as I just cannot sleep because I am up worrying about all the little details. ugh. I just know I see a light at the end of the tunnel. And I want time to simultaneously slow down and speed up.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Oh is our wedding ever creeping up fast. This last weekend was a whirlwind of "lasts" before we seal the deal. Awhile ago, we decided that if I was going to have a Bridal Shower, we should probably just plan it on the same day as my planned Bachelorette Party that way the duplicate guests would not have to take off two days for me in the upcoming weeks. The problem with that theory was that we got the invites in the mail only a week before the event. Apparently, the mailbox I dropped them into gets its mail picked up on Tuesday for the whole weekend. (I dropped them in Saturday morning.) This meant most of my guests did not even get their invites until Thursday/Friday depending how diligent they are about checking their mail. And the event was on Saturday. Did not exactly give a lot of TIME for them to ask off of work, etc.

Because of all that sillyness, my bridal shower was a very "intimate" affair. I think it ended up being about 8 people total. Which actually ended up being perfect and fun. Since it was such a small group, we could all talk together and it really seemed like a nice little get together. My mom really went all out and we had all sorts of yummy appetizers and desserts around. We ended up playing some pretty fun games, one which required me to chew on a mouthful of BubbleTape for a long period of time. Not my fave ;)

After the bridal shower was over, my girlfriends and I got dolled up to go downtown for my Bach Party. I really did not want it to be the "typical" crazy nonsense where lots of fallic symbols were involved. I wanted a more classy, fun type of thing. We rode the lightrail downtown to The Cheesecake Factory, where we had an amazing dinner. And I learned that the bright pink sash I was wearing as per my bridal party's demands garnered me a lot of attention. Eek. We had our first drinks there and then we started walking. When we found a place that looked interesting, we stopped. And had a cocktail. I drank lots of yummy things on Saturday night. And surprisingly, I felt okay yesterday. The only problem was my feet. I had decided to wear my wedding shoes all day/night to "practice." Well...my wedding shoes are 5 inches tall. Oh.My.Gosh! I had no idea my feet could hurt so bad. After the cocktails, we decided to go this little sports-y type bar across the street from Coors field. It had an outdoor deck and apparently, I was a dancing queen. That's how I know I was intoxicated. Because...I....don't...dance. I believe I got home at almost 5:00 in the morning. Yi!!! I am not a young'in anymore!

I also had my final fitting on Friday. I took my MOH Bri along so she could learn how to lace up the back of Maggie Sottero gown and learn how to do the bustle as well. My dress, since it is so very large and fluffy, has a French bustle. Meaning that it is bustled underneath the dress rather than being buttoned up on the outside. There are TWELVE tie ups under there. And then, there are some normal button/loop bustles on the lace side of the dress. In all, it took about 20 minutes to properly bustle me. Eek. I keep joking that I am going to strap mini fans onto my legs because it gets so.flipping.hot under there. With my slip on, I believe I have 12 layers of stuff on my legs. Ugh. My slip was just stuck to my legs with sweat.Sexy.

After this weekend, it all feels so so real now. I scheduled my appointment to pick up my dress the day before the wedding. That way, nothing happens to it between now and then. Its sneakin' up! The crunch has begun. I only have a few more things to take care of before it all happens. And I could not be more thrilled.

Now, I'll leave you with some photos of the Bachelorette party. I am bummed because I didnt have anyone take full body photo of us. We all looked very cute. And got many comments that it was a prerequisite to have cute shoes if you are a friend of mine. :)

April and Bri on the lightrail on the way downtown. Wearing their cute "bridal party" buttons that April bought everyone. 

Toasting at The Cheesecake Factory. :) Clockwise from left,  my girls: Katie, Lindsay, Laura, April and Bri. It was so fun to dress up. That magical drink in my hand was a pomegranate margarita. Mmm.

At a swanky bar called the Double Daughters. That guy in between Laura and I is actually the reason for our friendship. In high school, we both fought over him. And then decided rather than hate each other like all girls, we would embrace our similarities. :) It was so crazy running into him on my Bachelorette party. 

These are bathroom pics. I had a paper towel on the bottom of my shoe. But it looks like we're dancing. So that's my story. 

April. <3

BriBri <3

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So. I stopped doing my "assignments" for awhile. I guess I did not really realize when I started that we only had a month left until the wedding.

All through this entire process, I have felt like the wedding is a distant thought: it's coming, but not for awhile I would tell myself. And breathe. And relax. And take my sweet time going about things.

It finally just hit me today. There are f.i.f.t.e.e.n days until our wedding. FINALLY the big day we have been planning and thinking about for almost two years is almost here. I cannot explain to you really what I am feeling right now, only that it is a kind of peace.

I am not stressed. I am not pulling my hair out. I am calm. HAPPY. Excited. A little antsy. But mostly, I know...without a doubt in my heart, that this is what I should be doing. I am supposed to me getting married to Josh. There is honestly no stress, because I know no matter what at the end of that day...he will be my husband. And there has never been a more calming and beautiful end goal for me in my entire life.

Sure, there are tons of little details yet to be completely nailed down. My feelings about those? Meh! They will all come together...or they won't. The only one who will notice if anything is "off" on my wedding day is me. And I refuse to focus on those things. I am going into this with the most positive outlook I have ever had regarding anything. I am normally one of the most "glass half empty" people out there. But the change in me is solely due to Josh. He makes me so *sigh*...just so content. Ecstatic. Relaxed. Bubbly. I am thrilled to be nearing the date when everyone will see us promise our lives to each other.

For the most part, everything is coming together beautifully. Even I can step back and say just how gorgeous everything sounds and looks. I will post details later, but right now...I am feeling too blissfully irreverent.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Photo Journey

I am totally cheating with this assignment. But the way I see it is: its my blog...and I can do whatever I want! :)

These are the things I am condensing into one post. Because they're all photos. Makes sense to me!
Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
A photo that makes me happy:
Oh looking back at this little pumpkin just melts me. This is Charlie the week we brought him home. 8 weeks old. It is hard to believe he was ever so tiny. I was giving him my "look" because he had just discovered that eating my hair was super fun (hence the hood). Look at his face! He is such a mischievous, adorable little critter. 

A photo that makes me angry/sad:
I absolutely cannot fathom that this horrendous day was already nine years ago. Nine. I was 15 years old. I remember vividly sitting in the cafeteria at my school on an off hour. Suddenly, the TVs turned on and began streaming information. We literally sat there and watched the 2nd plane fly into the south tower. That's how fast we were alerted to this event. After that, it was a blur. I know we were sent home that day. My mom came to get us and was crying. I did not really grasp the severity of it all until I went home and was barraged with floods of images of smoke, firefighters, and death. As sad and angry as this photo makes me...it also bolsters me. I will never forget the swell of pride I felt to watch the country raise up to this tragedy. We united, supported and loved each other for a long time after that. My brother became a firefighter and later went on to join the ARMY because of this day. It changed us all. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day and I really hope that all the political drama can dry up for one day to remember all those who were lost. God Bless America.

A photo I took:
I take lots of photos. I am a wannabe photographer. I could have picked any of hundreds. This is one of my most recent. It is a bloom from my mom's clematis plant. It makes me feel anchored, calm and serene. Which is a good thing after the above photo. Plus, I love purple. This is currently my desktop photo. 

A photo of me taken over 10 years ago:
:) I thought this was appropriate for this blog. My wedding blog. This is me when I was probably about 5 years old...as a bride for halloween. My mom made that dress for me. the next year, she dyed it yellow the next year and I was Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She's just super creative like that. I only hope I can look as radiant and utterly carefree and happy on my real wedding day...which is only 21 days away!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Day 6/30: 20 Of My Favorite Things

I must admit I have been MIA for about a week because Josh and I decided that it would be super fun to uproot our entire existence a month before the wedding! Well, we are finally moved and situated in our new apartment, we have been waking up at 6:00 a.m everyday with our beloved Charlie. Annnnnnd...we did not get our internet set up until yesterday. *phew* 

On a different note, this may be my favorite assignment so far! I get to pick TWENTY favorite things! Talk about the perfect thing for me, Miss Indecisive. So here we go, in no particular order:

1. Josh. Days when I do not see much of him are so terrible. I am honestly shocked that we have almost been together for five years...and we still have all the passion, fun and love we had on the first day way back then. I just know that will continue for our whole lives. And I couldnt be more thrilled. 
2. Charlie. Crazy dog. Who knew a person could love an animal so much?
3. Guacamole. 
4. High heels. Pumps. Peep toe. Platform. LOVE. 
5. My Mazda. 
6. Facebook. 
7. The Steelers. 
8. Kettlebell workouts. They really REALLY hurt, and work!
9. Barnes and Noble. 
10. My Nook. 
11. Crossword puzzle books.<--yes I really am that cool. 
12. Singing in my car. 
13. Skinny days
14. Knee high socks. My survival through the winter is dependent on these. 
15. Vampires
16. Clean sheets washed with Gain Apple Mango Tango detergent and Target brand Lavender/Vanilla softener sheets. Doesn't sound like a good combo...but it soooooooooo is. Mmmm.
17. Mashed potatoes. I crave them at odd times of day and randomly. 
18. Making lists. About anything and everything. I always have a reading list that I use as a bookmark. 
19. Black and White photos. 
20. Red nail polish.

Isn't it amazing how simple some of the things are that just make your world a better place? Sigh. I love simple pleasures.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Little Inspiration

Day 5/30: Your Favorite Quote

I love words. I think we have tapped in on that little notion a time or two before...

Throughout my life, there has honestly been ONE quote that has really affected me and the way I live. 

What lies BEHIND you and 
What lies BEFORE you
Are small matters compared to
What lies WITHIN you.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Hunger Games

Day 4/30: Your Favorite Book

I am a reader. I probably make it through about 7-8 books each month. I know that seems unbelievable, but I do. Barnes and Noble employees know me by name. My Nook goes everywhere with me. I use books as decor, stacked artistically under photos. I truly believe a house is not a home without a bundle of books that have been read repeatedly. 

I do not think I need to go into the explanation that there is no way I have one favorite book. There are so many great ones out there. So many authors that I love, so many books that have spoken to me on a higher level. However, for the purposes of this blog, I am going to list ONE book that has impacted me strongly as of late. (I know, I am finally following the rules!)
This book. Wow. I do not have enough words to describe the amazing depths of this novel. It is a young adult novel. It is a sleeper hit among giants like Twilight and Harry Potter, but it is every bit as engrossing, and dare I say? Even more well written.

As some background: this is a novel set in the near future in what used to be The United States. The country is now called Panem, and instead of all the individual states that used to comprise the USA, Panem is split into several separate districts based on what goes on there. For instance, there is a fishing district, a mining district, etc. Because of a revolution which the general public evoked upon the rich upper class people living in "The Capitol" the entire country pays a daunting price each year. As punishment for this revolution, the districts must select 2 young children each year to participate in "The Hunger Games" The children are thrown into an arena, which has been designed with many obstacles to hurt them and they must fight to the death...all while being televised for the amusement of the upper class.

This novel is absolutely gripping. I could not put it down. I believe I devoured it in about 4 hours. There are also two sequels, which are equally fantastic. It is equal parts Survivor (think reality TV televising extremely private moments and personal despair) and a study in humanity. The subject matter is unthinkable. But honestly, what would you do in that situation? You either kill or be killed. Collins brings about a slew of characters that you will despite and some you fall in love with and that will break your heart. I have never read a more thought provoking novel. It really brings to life what humans can do to each other. It is terrible. Beautiful. Astounding.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cast of Characters

Day 3/30: Your Favorite Television Program

Typically, I am one of those people who really hates watching TV all day. The rare exception to that is if I ever wind up on TLC or Discovery Health. I could watch those shows like "Mystery Diagnosis" all day long. I think they are fascinating. 

I am also one of those people that thinks the "reality phenomenon" has gone way too far. Despite the fact that one of my all-time favorite shows is the reality grandparent, Survivor. There have been some stupid seasons, but there have also been some really great ones. I absolutely LOVED Survivor:Australian Outback. It was one of the more exciting seasons to date. I love all the All-Stars like Boston Rob, Colby, and Rupert. 

Apart from silly reality shows though, there have only been a few shows that have really caught and held my interest. My top three:

FRIENDS. My first favorite show, even when I did not understand all the jokes. I love Chandler. And I am Monica. Its just a fact of life. Could this show BE any more hilarious?!

One Tree Hill. The show that is my guilty pleasure. Well, not so much anymore. Once Lucas and Peyton were gone it just was not the same anymore. Great music always plays throughout these shows. I have grown to love all the characters. Plus, they're just so pretty.

LOST. My most recent addiction. I started watching it after it was already off the air. Thanks to Netflix, I had finished the whole series in about 2 months. This was an addictive, mysterious, frustrating engima of a show. I LOVE the characters...Sawyer, Sun, Hurley, Locke and Boone. And got a little annoyed with others *ahem* Kate. SLUT! Haha. I actually liked the end of the show too...lots of people felt cheated by it, but I liked it. There was some good closure, and it left room for the imagination too.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Heart.

Twenty three years ago, on this day...something magical happened. My Joshua was born.

Although I was only eight months old at the time (yep, I am the cradle robber here), I am sure something happened to me to let me know my soulmate was just born.

All kidding aside, I cannot believe that a person like him even exists. He is the epitome of strong, growing up the oldest of 6 siblings has a way of taking your innocence rather early. I have never seen a day where Josh would not be willing to drop absolutely everything for one of this brothers or sisters. No matter what they needed. The love for his family is unlike anything I have ever seen. It is deep, unwielding...and honestly does not judge. I have never known anyone who can just love. Without judging. It is a sight to see.

He has such a funny streak, although he does not flaunt it or even think he is particularly funny. He has this mischievous twinkle in his eyes sometimes, and his favorite thing to do is tease and tickle. The only reason it is okay is because he does it to be silly. And it works. Usually I end up splayed out on the floor with tears running down my face from laughing so hard. His laugh makes my world complete. There is no chance that you can hear his laugh and not light up inside. It comes all the way from the depths of him. But he is not one to laugh out loud often. He is more of a reserved person. If we are watching a movie, he's more likely to crack a smile than laugh out loud unlike (obnoxious) me. This makes his laughs even more precious. I wish I could capture them and put them in my pocket.

I really just cannot imagine my life without him. I know it sounds cliche, but he is honestly my best friend in the world. He knows everything about me, and loves me anyway. He knows exactly what to do for me at any given moment. If I am fussy, he'll just walk in the door with a Coke...even though I tell him I cant drink Coke anymore. And he'll just stand there offering it to me because he knows I want it. He doesn't boast about knowing it. Just smiles and pulls me into a hug when I crack the bottle open. Somehow, he thinks most of my worst flaws are cute and endearing in some way. I do not know how he puts up with me sometimes, but I am so glad he does. I do not enter into this marriage with him lightly. We have both had our share of baggage. Some that still tries to pop up incessantly. But he is always there to remind me that none of it matters. That he loves me and would not want anything else in this life BUT to marry me. *melt*

Happy Birthday, baby boy. Without you, my heart would be missing the best parts of itself. No one else can make me smile, feel and love like you. You are my everything.


Day 2/30: Your Favorite Movie

I won't even bore you with the typical speech about how I cannot just select one thing in life. Just know this: its not possible. 

I love all kinds of movies, I am even that girl who loves to go see an action movie in theaters. Something about the explosions and super loud speakers. It is exciting! I love when movies cleverly reference other movies or books. I love actors and actresses. And celebrities. I make it a habit to check PerezHilton.com on a regular basis. Yep...I am just that cool. 

Here are (some of!) my favorites!!!

I am being absolutely one hundred percent serious when I say that this is my absolute favorite movie. It came out when I was about 11. Back when the Leo DiCaprio fad was sweeping the nation. And yes, I had a lifesize poster of him next to my bed. I went to see this movie with my whole family on opening weekend. I don't think my parents were fully prepared for the booby scene. Awkward! After that, I saw it about 12 more times in the theaters and also reserved my VHS! copy at Blockbuster. I remember that it came in a two tape set, and I would always just watch the first tape so I didn't have to watch the sad parts. The other day, I found it in the $5 DVD bin at Wal Mart. I had to buy it. I can recite this entire movie from start to finish. I love it. It started a life long adoration of Kate Winslet and Leo. On a completely unrelated note, I despise James Cameron. He just seems like a money hungry jerk, trying to take the claim of releasing the "best movie ever made" Avatar?! Uhm. No.

This is my go to movie when I am having a bad day. I cannot be in a bad moon if this is on. Actually, during stressful times, my family just knows to put it on. For example, while fighting with my sister's hair for prom...as I am about to lose all patience, my mom just slipped it on and all was well with the world. You can constantly hear Josh and I throwing lines from this movie out in everyday conversation. And it makes no sense at all. One of my personal faves, "Yay! I'm a llama again!!!" Kronk is my favorite.

Did you know that this was the true story that inspired Shakespeare to write Romeo and Juliet? Well, you do now. This movie has everything I love in it. Action. Romance. Tragedy. James Franco...oh wait. Uhm...I really do love this movie for the story, the beautiful dialogue and the unhappy ending. Yes, you read that right. It kinda bugs me when every movie has a super happy ending. Real life does not work that way. I watch this if I am feeling particularly sappy or wanting a good cry.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I have Indicisive Disorder

Day 1/30: Your Favorite Song.
It figures that the hardest question in the world for me to answer would be the first one on my little bloggy assignment. You see, I have a problem. A big one. I love music. I can find a love for almost any genre of music, artist or song. The lyrics are just as important as the melodies and I commonly refer to every song on the radio as "mine." Yes, I am that annoying girl who is always saying, "Oh my God! I LOVE this song!!!" 

Ahem. That said, just know there is absolutely no way for me to pick just.one.song. Mmmkay? So here are my top five. I told you, I cannot be trusted! I am a rebel. Sheesh. 

1. She's Everything - Brad Paisley
The moment I heard this song, I knew...it was going to be "our song" forever. Josh heard it on the radio and played it for me later that night. He told me the lyrics reminded him so much of me, and him...and us. "She's a cross around her neck, and a cuss word cause it's Monday..." Then, for my 21st birthday, we went to the Brad Paisley concert. The lights lowered, thousands of shimmery lights started bouncing off the roof and faces around us, and Josh grabbed me, in the middle of an arena full of people and slow danced with me in the tiny space in front of our seats. I cherish that moment. And this song. This is going to be our "first dance" song.
2. Cavanaugh Park- Something Corporate. 
This song. Oh...this song. I always wished and hoped that I could be one of those awesome people who could sit down at a piano and play. Anything. I am not. I took lessons. I can play with music in front of me. But I cannot create. My brain doesnt work that way. This song is just...what I wished I could be cool enough to create. Classical piano technique mixed with punk-pop vibes. L.O.V.E. This is one I always put on in my car and just blast. 
3. Love the Way You Lie - Eminem and Rihanna
I am sooooooo feelin' this song right now. I love Rihanna's raspy, controlled trills during the hook. And I love the lyrics. I can almost rap it out now too ;) Josh loves when I do that.

4. The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift
Little Tay Tay. I am surrounded by a bunch of Taylor haters. And I just do not see how anyone could hate her. She's such a little doll. And I absolutely adore the lyrics of this song. 
5. Rain is a Good Thing - Luke Bryan
There's not a whole lot I can say about this...except I LOVE it and its fun. Super redneck country, loud and silly.

I just asked Josh his favorite song. He gave me a crazy look and said, "I don't know!" Is it possible for ANYONE to have one favorite song?

After lots of digging and much harrassing (on my part), he tore his eyes away from Madden 11 and said, *gasp!*

Simple Man - Lynrd Skynrd.
That's my Joshy. His mama used to play him this song. He wanted to learn this song the most when he started playing guitar. And he can! I love this song too...it is just so....Josh.  Understated. Honest. Real. And a little out of control in the middle : )

An Assignment

I realize lately, that my blog has been a little lacking. Part of that is because planning a wedding, working and dealing with a move keeps me nice and busy. But the major reason for this is, I can only whine and fuss so much over wedding to-dos. I mean, how interesting can that be to read? And until I get more things DONE and photos taken to show you, I am deciding to participate in this 30 day blog assignment. I will be posting regular posts as well, but this will just kick it up a notch. And give me a record of how I was thinking and feeling the month before my wedding.

Here's the dealio. Each day, I post about one of these topics:
Day 1 - your favorite song
Day 2 - your favorite movie
Day 3 - your favorite television program
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your dream house
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live
Day 25 - your day, in great detail
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - a dream for the future

And because you know me...and I am a rebel, I will most likely expand on this thoughts much more than is exactly necessary. But that's why it is fun!

I think I am going to make this a little nifty-er and have Josh throw some input in here too, just for kicks. Since this is actually a wedding blog and about not just me (I know...I know) but Josh and me. And oh how I love that man. :) Come play along with me!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oh, August.

Helloooo World!


Here we are: 5 weeks until the wedding, and sooooo much left to do. The funny thing is, I am not stressed about any of it! I have this new frame of mind, it goes something like this: Everything will be fine. And if everything is not perfect, no one will even notice!

Maybe its denial. Or Exhaustion. Whatever it is, I like it.

Josh and I finally decided it was time to move again. We had been nurturing this wild hair that we would actually be able to get into a house before the wedding. The only problem with that theory? Uhm...a wedding in the middle of that dream. But oh well. We decided we would just move to a cute little one bedroom apartment for a year and try to save up the money for a down payment.

Last Saturday, we drove to a couple apartment complexes in our area. This time around, we were looking for something a lot cheaper than the "Luxury Apartment Home" we lived in last time. Psssh. "Luxury." I am pretty sure all that meant was fake crown molding and built in bookshelves. As we looked around, we found that was exactly the case. We were looking at apartments way bigger than the one we used to live in, but hundreds of dollars cheaper. All because there were no lame "amenities" like crown molding.

We selected our favorite, which ended up being our favorite because they have a community doggie park! And they offer free Comcast. Two big perks. There's lots of space and it seems like a clean, peaceful apartment complex. We get to begin moving our stuff in this weekend, although technically our move in date is not til September 1st.

Its so crazy to think that the day we move into our new home will be exactly ONE MONTH until our wedding. Phew.

I have my "bustling" appointment this Friday. I've been forewarned that it sucks. A Lot. Around three hours of standing on a pedestal in 4.5 inch high shoes while I get pinned, tugged and pulled every which way. YAY! But after that, the dress is allllllllll mine!!!

My latest task that I-just-don't-want-to-care-about is the wedding cake. Its funny that at the end of all this, something that was so monumental to me at first, I just really do not care about! I know we need one though, so I will have to tackle that really quickly.

*Sigh* I know it is coming up so fast, but it still feels like so far away. I cannot believe in five weeks, I'll be walking down the aisle.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ready for their closeup

Finally. After tons of drama: materials, formatting and even computer drama...I have to share with you, photos of my invitations. In all their finished glory. I really don't think there was any better feeling in the world than staring at a big box of completed, stamped invitations. Then I dropped them off at the post office. The relief was tangible. I could breathe again! I could stand up straighter, go back to my LIFE!

Then, only a couple days later...people began sending me text messages, posting things on my facebook or calling me about how beautiful they were. And again...that was the best feeling in the entire world. They were so much work. But they did turn out so beautifully. And people were telling me so. Awesome. This must be why DIY is so fulfilling.

Since then, its been a game every day. Check the mail, find a stack of pretty metallic brown envelopes. I even went super overachiever (read: nerd) and made a spreadsheet so I can keep track of who is coming, what they're eating, etc.

Anyway, here they are:

The night before assembly, we sat down and addressed all the envelopes. 

I used Envelopemall.com to order my envelopes. The main invitation envelopes (on the left) are Stardream Metallic A7 Euro Flap Envelopes in "Opal." They are so, so unbelievably pretty. They are an ivory color with a slight sheen. I feel like they complimented the invitations really well. They were $18.95 for 100. I ordered 100 and cut it pretty close. The RSVP envelopes (right) are Stardream Metallics A6 Envelopes in Bronze, which is the same paper I used to make the pocketfolds. These envelopes were 4 3/4" by 6 1/2" and so my RSVP cards were a pretty tight squeeze, but it all ended up working out. 

Once opened, this is what the completed pocketfold looks like.

Excuse the terrible photos. I could not find my battery for my big Canon, so these were taken with my old crappy point and shoot. 

You can see how we formatted the inserts to be descending steps. This very thought contributed a LOT to the stress we had with making them look just "so." We used the same script for the insert headers (Chopin Script from DaFont.com) as we did for our names on the main portion. I feel like this added a little extra elegance and just tied everything together. All the rest of the font was the same as well (Goudy Old Style, done in Caps Lock...because I'm a rebel)

Here are the inserts, up close and personal:
I actually "custom made" this map using newly learned photoshop skills. I did a screen capture of a google map, then opened it in Photoshop, traced the roads I needed, added the icons and the names. Sounds easy but it was honestly a HUGE P.I.T.A.

The RSVP Cards. My Favorite part. The bane of our flipping existence. I decided early on that I wanted them to be personalized. I thought it was fancy schmancy. And awesome. And I would not take no for an answer. Even when mom and I were literally drinking whole bottles of wine and laughing hysterically to try not to rip our hair out and kill things. Through all the struggle, they turned out so incredibly beautiful. *Sniffle* I am so proud. And THANKFUL for my mom, the formatting queen.
So stinkin' cool. The names of our guests were printed in the Chopin Script. Just cause. :)

Reception Card. We had fun trying to figure out the wording for this one. We did not want to sound too snotty. Or too casual. I am pretty sure we read it aloud over 50 times. 

And lastly, the Accomodations card. We tried to squish all the words down so you couldn't see them above the pocket. Then we decided that was just silly. 

Originally, I was just going to stick the RSVP envelope in the pocket behind all the inserts. Too bad I used coverweight paper for all the inserts and the fit inside the pocket was just too tight. A few pockets even popped. After a little meltdown and some histrionics, we finally decided to just hook the flap of the pocket of the RSVP envelope over the back of the Directions insert, so it would lay flat on top of the inserts. It kind of took away from the impact of the inserts at first, but then I figured, people would just slip it off and all would be right with the world. 

Then all we had to do was slide on the belly bands. I LOVE the belly bands. 

As I have said multiple times, these babies were a lot...a LOT of work. But in the end? Totally worth it. I feel like people close to me will treasure these as keepsakes. Because they are. I think they are much more special than a storebought invite because each one literally has my blood, sweat and (many) tears involved. I may or may not go into business making these now, because...well...I am a pro now.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Oh Lord. What would the last few weeks of wedding planning be like without some...issues...

The good news is this: the invitations are done and out. I went and bought postage, had an addressing party and sent my babies out. I have even started to get some RSVP cards back in the mail! I have all these gorgeous photos to blog about and with...but here's where the issue comes in. My laptop? My beloved laptop loaded with my beloved photoshop and my extensive wedding budget and check list. I am hoping it is just the power cord, which I compromised by holding that thing on my lap at all sorts of weird angles. The cord just got loose and no longer charged my laptop, no matter how I manipulated it.

We ordered a new one from Amazon that we found a deal on. A new one of those suckers cost $70! Anyway, this new cord was supposed to be delivered yesterday...haven't seen it yet, so I tracked it on Amazon. Apparently, they tried to deliver it on the 11th, deemed it "undeliverable" for God knows what reason and it is already on its way back to California or wherever it came from. Lovely, right? So now...I am sure I will not receive it for another 5 days. UGH! I never realized how much I depend on that computer until now...it has not been fun.

Anyway, I have lots to show and tell but that will just have to wait until we get this particular *issue* worked out. Hopefully, I have the patience to wait it out! I struggle with patience. A lot.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Am I on a track and field team??

I only ask this because these God-forsaken *ahem* lovely invitations of mine have given me hurdle after hurdle to jump over. At the (almost) end of all this, here is the most valuable lesson I have learned:


Honestly, had I been a sane person, these invitations would have come together quickly and been sent out by now. Who cares if they're a little unevenly matted or the embossing is gloppy. Well...too bad I am NOT sane and I develop a twitch if things are not *just so*

Let me tell you a little story about my DIY invitations:

Things started out smoothly enough. I found the instructions online, clicked over to Anchor Paper and ordered all my materials: a ream (250 sheets) of ivory linen paper to make all my inserts and the main section of the invite, 100 sheets of bronze stardream cardstock and lots and lots of Super Tacky Tape to glue them all together. I found the other materials I needed to make them at Michael's or Joann Fabrics: a Cricut cutting tool with a scoring blade, a bone folder, and a new shiny pair of sharp scissors.

Once all that was assembled, I got my actual pocketfolds done in about a week. Then the struggles came.

I believe I have mentioned the embossing powder debacle as well. We pretty much tried at least 12 combinations of stamp/ink/embossing powder before I decided on one I liked. Then we stamped and embossed everything really quickly.

Then, we needed to figure out how to format all my inserts so that when printed, they would all lay out properly tiered against each other. HA! HA HA HA! Wow. Okay. Well that was a P.I.T.A or a pain-in-the-...for those who do not know my lingo. My mom and I went rounds and rounds. Printing samples, cutting, measuring, printing again...etc. Once we finally had it, we took the first insert to Office Max. I asked the young man there to fix something on the page that I hadn't seen. These particular inserts were printed two to a page. He printed all 100 sheets of them and then I saw that he had only corrected the mistake on the top part of the page. After fighting with him, he determined it was MY fault that I didn't tell him it was still wrong and I had to pay for the 2nd set of them to get printed correctly. *sigh*

After that, I was none too keen on spending 40 bucks on each set of inserts I had to print. (Which was 4 more sets...) So, Mom and I bought our own printer cartridge and printed them at home. I'll make a long story short by saying we had a heck of a time making the ink match between my main invitation and the seperate inserts. BAH. Once we had finally made it look right and figured out the formatting, I reached into my nice big ream of paper and found that I did.not.have.enough.remaining.paper to complete my invitations. (Because of a nice gentleman at Office Max who wasted 50 sheets of my paper.) Uhm.Yeah. That paper? Non existant in Denver. I ordered it from Minnesota. I am now 8 weeks from my wedding. These invites were supposed to be printed and sent out over the weekend, but alas...now I had to order more paper.

By some MIRACLE, my mom found a gal on Craigslist who had my exact paper that she had used for stuff at her own wedding. The only problem? She was selling half a ream of it for $20. Non negotiable. I bought an entire ream from halfway across the country for $26. I love throwing money away. LOVE IT! I decided, well screw it...she has it...I'll buy it. So I did. And now my invitations are printed, cut and assembled.

They are currently sitting in my wedding room. Now that we are 7.5 weeks out from the wedding. Tomorrow is my day off. I plan on spending it addressing envelopes til my hand falls off. Oh...and then going to the post office to pay millions of dollars in postage, since I am sure my beautiful, 4 layer invitations weigh a 1/4 pound each. I will be so relieved to finally see them go. I hope everyone gets them on time and has time to send them back. *Sigh*

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Do you ever find yourself getting obsessed with certain things for little spurts of time? Maybe it is because I have an "obsessive" personality. Once I start enjoying something, I have to completely embrace it and almost overdo it until I get sick of it, or it stops existing whichever comes first. I do this with everything: songs, beauty products, foods, etc.

Sometimes obsessing over things this way has some bad consequences. People tend to define me by what I love. When I was in high school, I bought a purse from Wal Mart because it had Tinkerbell on it (you know, from Peter Pan). I have always been endeared to her because she is little and sassy and full of spunk, like me. I bought the purse because it was adorable and I did not believe in carrying a backpack. That was super lame in my world. So I carried all my notebooks in this big tinkerbell purse. After that, for every birthday and Christmas for YEARS I was given loads of Tinkerbell stuff. I don't especially want to decorate my home with Tinkerbell alarm clocks and throw pillows, but my minor obsession led people to believe that was my life's goal.

Another time an obsession led me astray was also in high school. I had developed a love affair with Code Red Mountain Dew. Despite the fact that this stuff was probably the most disgusting drink ever invented, something about cherry mountain dew just really did it for me. I would buy the cute little skinny bottles all the time. During this time of my life, I was watching two little boys pretty regularly. One day, my sister and I had a dentist's appointment. We went, and I could not quite figure out why the dentist was grossing me out so much on that particular day. Something about the taste of the flouride and the hands in my mouth was not sitting well with me. When we left, I still felt a little funky but I convinced myself I was just hungry. So Meg and I stopped at a gas station and picked up some Pringles and some Code Red. About 5 hours later, I remembered that my boys I watched had had the stomach flu the previous week. And I knew it was coming. Let me tell you something: projectile vomiting Code Red Mountain Dew into a trashcan is not something I will soon forget. It's not pretty. Not pretty at all. *shudder*

Anyway.......despite those negative days in my obsession ruled brain, I still do it. And sometimes it is fun to share with others things I am obsessed with currently. I love learning about a great new author or lipgloss from someone who sings its praises. So with no further ado (or vomit stories, I promise) here are my current obsessions:

Yes. The kind you used when you were 4. It is still the best, glossiest, yummiest and cheapest lip gloss in the entire world. But it HAS to be strawberry. None of that Dr. Pepper nonsense. I have tubes of it everywhere. In my car, my purse, my bathroom, Josh's truck. It goes good over lip color too. I like embracing my inner child.

My absolute favorite right now (and probably of all time) author is Charles Martin. He writes books in the style of Nicholas Sparks (who I also enjoy a lot...and is famous for his books that are now movies like A Walk to Remember and The Notebook) but he does it better. Yes. 10,000,000,000 times better. And that is honestly no exaggeration. While Nicholas Sparks has all the right ideas for romantic books, Charles Martin has the pen and the talent to take those romantic notions and pack an extra punch. They are all set in quaint, Southern towns...which I love. And his books are found in the "Christian Fiction" section of bookstores, which I still have yet to figure out. They are not preachy or really about God at all. 

This is currently my favorite book. It ruined my soul and rebuilt it all at once. I was sobbing and smiling. It speaks of a rare and truly selfless brand of love. Just beautiful and amazing. I want to go read it again.

As you may know, I am a pretty high stress person. I would not be surprised if I have an ulcer later in life. This delicious, creamy, soothy (yes I made that word up) line of goodies makes me relax. Really. I love the moisturizing body wash. It smells just so delicately of lavender and vanilla and its the best thing in the world to shave your legs with. And I have multiple little bottles of the lotion. Its so soft and not sticky at all. mm. 

This pretty green can might as well be an accessory on me. I buy one every single day. They are 99 cents so I don't feel guilty about it. Since its summer, it is so refreshing. And since the can is huge and lasts me all day, I don't fuss over keeping it super cold. It actually tastes good warm. And feels good on your throat. Which, since mine is always scratchy this time of year is a bonus. Did I mention the can is pretty?

*Ahem* My wedding shoes. Aren't they f a b u  l o u s?! These are not only one of my wedding colors, but will also serve as my "something blue." And they're saving me approximately $400 on a hem for my gown because they are 4.5 inches tall. *Deep breath* and repeat: "I will not eat it on my wedding day..."

I would like you to know...I have a problem. With Junior Mints. Its big. And Bad.

When I was in high school, I was given my first "big girl" perfume. Aka: not bought at Wal Greens. It was called Halo by Victoria's Secret. I am still in love with it and have a teeny bottle left. Sadly, about a year ago...they DISCONTINUED it. And I cried. For days. Not really, but I was sad...and it took me forever to find something I loved as much:

Say hello to my new best friend. Marc Jacobs Lola. It is vibrant and sweet with a little bit of a spice to it. I am told it is quite lovely by almost anyone that can smell it. That's the beauty...it is not overpowering or stifling. I even have a customer at work who calls me Miss Lola...because I told him to buy it for his wife. He did. And she loved it. And now he loves me. I just love spreading happiness!

Speaking of spreading happiness...I am OBSESSED with this delightful, hilarious, witty woman:

This is The Pioneer Woman. And her adorable, crazy, funny blog is my new favorite thing. She was a ballerina. A city girl who fell in love with a cowboy and was transplanted to a real live cattle ranch. She chronicles her new life with her "Marlboro Man" and her four "punk" kids. She cooks. She jokes. She sings Ethel Merman songs. She takes the most amazing.flipping.photos I have ever seen. She's my hero. I feel as though we are kindred spirits. And I love her.

I also absolutely adore talented people who are not yet famous. No big heads. No fancy studios to auto-tune every word you sing. Just raw talent. And cuteness. Tyler Ward, for those of you who don't know is an incredibly talented and *humble* musician. And he performs on Youtube. He is always recruiting people to sing with and help them in their journey. As a singer, he makes me melt a little...and be jealous I didn't meet him. Meet one of his prodigies...and him. Singin' this gorg-eous Miley Cyrus song. She's a doll. And her voice is like butter. Its been playing on repeat all day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

8 Weeks.

The time has come when this wedding has shifted from months ( I remember saying, oh we are getting married in 8 months! And it seemed so so far away) to days (once we hit the 100 day mark, that was definitely something to celebrate and everything got a lot more real then) and finally, we have come to rest on weeks. I know weeks are greater than days, but considering we can now say we are getting married in E I G H T weeks, it is no longer real...it is amazing and gives me buttferlies and nervous dreams every day.

I think this is common for brides, all swept up in the glory and fantasy of their wedding day. To just constantly focus on the wedding and the details and get sidetracked away from what the day itself actually symbolizes. So today, with exactly 60 days, or approximately 8 weeks until our wedding, I'd like to tell you all about the man I am going to marry...and how special and wonderful he really is.

Joshua started out as this adorable little pumpkin:

Now that I have his "grown up" face memorized, looking back on him as little one just makes me all tingly inside. He is just so full of sweetness here. And, though I know this about Josh already...his baby pictures just backed up the theory that he can be quite...serious...at times. 

As he grew up, he was blessed repeatedly with the gift of brothers and sisters. 2 baby brothers and three baby sisters. Josh is the oldest of six. One of the things that melts my heart the most about him is how fiercely protective he is of his younger siblings. Josh is definitely not a fighter. He does not walk around with that cocky attitude most men with that amount of muscle do, just trying to start a confrontation. Quite the opposite. Josh is very quiet, pensive and dare I say? Sensitive. Sorry baby, but I am just tellin' the truth! He sometimes just waits on the sidelines, watching, thinking, planning...but a few times I have seen him hurt or mad enough that he would go in, fists flying. Every single time it was because someone had hurt me or one of his siblings. 


Joshy also has a playful side. A very silly and mischievous twinkle comes across him, like the look you see in the photo above. These are the moments I am not so thankful for those 5 amazing siblings he has, because he tries to "wrastle" me into submission the way he does to them. It never works. Ne-ver. :) You see, I am a middle child and I will resort to childish measures to get out of being tickled or held down against my will. And I am a pincher ;) Either that, or I will cry that he's hurting me until he lets go. 

See that look of mischief? Tell me that's not the same look from up above. 

Even though he gets a *little* crazy sometimes, Josh treats me like an absolute treasure. Before Josh came along, I did not even know what that felt like. To be honest, I was a little bit of a lost cause when Josh and I started dating. I went from being a naive little girl to a woman thrust into the adult world way too fast. My naivity was shattered during the brutal divorce of my parents when I was 17 and the loss of my first "love" around that same time. Josh picked up the pieces of me. Told me to stop looking at the negative and stop going on about how life was not fair. He brushed me off from that fall from grace, stood me up and supported my full weight until I was able to stand on my own two feet. 

Once he had gotten me to the point of independence, then he started showing me what a relationship should truly be. Understanding, nurturing, fun and romantic. Josh is all of those things. He sweeps the hair from my forehead when he kisses me goodbye in the morning. He pulls me tight against him if he can tell I am getting frusterated ever...right before the tears start to fall. He holds my hand everywhere we go, even while he is trying to drive a stick shift Toyota Tacoma. Without fail, if we are on a date, he holds his arm out to me so I can walk in my precarious high heels, he opens the car door for me and pulls out my chair. He tells me to use my "filter" when my potty mouth comes out in front of my mom, because "that's just not ladylike" and he loves me anyway when I tell him I don't need a damn filter. He is the epitome of everything I have ever wanted in a man. Strong and sweet. Wise beyong his years and heart full of his own struggles. He will one day make the most amazing daddy. 

When I look into his eyes, which are the most amazing color of slate gray mixed with emerald green, I just cannot imagine my life without him. He saved me. He sturdied me. He let me grow alone, but stood there waiting to catch me if I made a wrong step, which I have many times. He loves me unconditionally. And he is not afraid to defend me against any naysayers there are in this world. Like me, Josh has a stubborn streak...and to hear him come to my defense might be the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. Our relationship is not perfect. Who's is? But its real. Real sweet. Real amazing. Real passionate. Just Real. And I cannot wait until October 1, 2010 at 3:00 pm when I get to walk down the aisle to his open arms. 

I love you Joshy. Forever and Ever, babe. 

Friday, July 30, 2010


I guess I should not be so excited about little things at this point. Afterall, we are only 63 days away from the wedding. I guess I should be more on the ball. I could be more on the ball if I had infinite amounts of money always at my disposal, but alas...we are paying for this wedding one chunk at a time. Each payday, we have another couple things to take care of. And that's really all we can do until next payday. This method is equally frustrating and fulfilling. My OCD brain really wishes that everything could just be done, right now. That way I do not have to think about it anymore. It is fulfilling though, checking so many things off the list and knowing that we are a large part in making this wedding a success.

That brings me to my point however. There is absolutely no way in the world that we would be pulling this off without the help and favors of so many people. I do not know how I will ever show enough gratitude to those who are helping us...it seems so much bigger than us. Its not just a day full of food and fun, although it certainly will be. It is a day symbolic of Josh and I growing up, spreading our wings, and a day symbolic of the joining of our two families.

I want to do something special to signify my parents and Josh's at the wedding, but I am honestly not sure what will be enough. I just don't know. If I know them though, anything at all will melt their sweet, giving hearts and that makes me feel like they deserve even more. *sigh*

So, for now:

Words can never express what a help you have been in every single facet of this wedding so far. From sitting in countless meetings with Josh and I at venues across Colorado, always asking the questions we would never think of and looking out for us. For crying when I walked out of the dressing room in my wedding gown, the one we both knew was "the one" the moment we saw it. For taking Josh to the jewelry store and pointing out the ring I loved, and then for counseling him on if he was ready and supporting him through the entire proposal process. For your creativity and patience with things I just do not feel like stressing over. For your patience with me as I changed my mind 9,000 times over stupid things like embossing powder. For opening your home to us to allow us a chance to pay for this wedding and not go bankrupt in the process. But most of all, for being there through the saga of Josh and Christy, always knowing what advice to give and when to just sit back and let it happen; for supporting us and understanding the love we have for each other and being willing to guide us to the day when we will be a married couple. You are an inspiration and a blessing to us both. We love you very much.

This wedding would NOT be happening, at all...if it weren't for you. I had spent many days and nights crying and anguishing over the fact that we would never be able to afford it before we came to you. We started with a grand group of ideas in mind. And slowly, everything started getting scaled back. The guest list, the favors, the invites, the food. When finally I could not scale anything back anymore, you stepped in to help us. Without blinking an eye, you offered whatever we needed. No questions asked. You have always been so willing to counsel us, on what is wise, what people will not even know is there or not, what we can take care of. Despite you wanting us to just run away together a time or two, you understood what this wedding and this day means to us. Thank you, not just for the financial support...but for the moral support of Josh and I, both individually and as a couple. We are so thankful we have the love and guidance of such a sweet, funny, giving man to help us through.

Ralph and Jackie:
Despite the fact that all the wedding planning is going on over in my world, you have both been so amazing in asking questions, wanting to be involved and giving support to us. From countless phone calls about who's last name is who's and who lives where...you have never once felt burdoned by any of it. You are so gracious. Letting me pore through baby photos of Josh, letting me blab nonstop about menu options and invitations. Coming with us to view the venue and looking at our wedding budget with a keen and knowing eye. Then, contributing to the wedding in such a big way. I cannot express how much it means that you want to be a part of all this with us, and for accepting me into your family the way you have. I feel so happy knowing what an amazing, sweet and supportive family Josh has...and even happier knowing I will get to call you mine too, one day soon.

From day one with Josh and I, you have been there...holding MY hand through the process. :) I was so unsure of myself when this all started, I was a mess to deal with. Josh and I would never have made it this far if you hadn't sat me down and really talked to me about what this life meant for me. You were the person who asked me what I wanted in life. And I did not know. You gave me "homework" and told me to make a dream board, overviewing everything I wanted to achieve. You opened my eyes to the independent and happy girl I was once and could be again. Even through all the yucky parts of our relationship, you loved me like a daughter and always showed such compassion and knowing. Thank you for always talking to us at our level, letting us know it was okay to mess up sometimes, and loving us anyway.

Do you guys deserve a parade? I think so!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Over the years, I have had pretty much every hair color imaginable. Lucky for me, I have the blessing of having a skin tone that can pretty much pull off any hair color. I am normally a very humble person, but in this instance I must be honest: I also have really good hair. And a ton of it. Recently, we have been fighting, since I found quite a number of shiny silver ones up in there.

Shall we take a look at all the shades of Christy?

About 3 years ago, I chopped all my hair off (15 inches!) It actually had *something* to do with that horrendous, all inclusive break-up Josh and I had. I've mentioned this sad sad moment before. I also stopped dying my hair in hopes to remember its natural color. This is what I looked like then:

(Oh and that's my super adorable Matron-of-Honor, Bri)

Since then, I have had a little hair multiple personality disorder. When it's winter, I like to go dark. Less upkeep. Goes better with winter color clothing (gray, dark red, navy, etc.)
This is one of my favorite colors. Kind of a light auburn. Brings out the green in my eyes. :)

Sometimes, when I have remnants of several color jobs going on, I go all out DARK...just because I can. My mom hates when I do this. :) I think she secretly thinks I am going goth...I am a little obsessed with vampires. *ahem*

This is a super dark burgundy color. I wanted to be different. And I loved my hair this dark. Til I started noticing gray, that is.

I do tend to get a little bored with just "brunette" or "blonde" so I switch it up and ask my amazing hair dresser to put three colors in my hair at once:
Here, I was rocking Kelly Clarkson inspired hair: dark base, bleached streaks and fire engine red streaks. My hair doesn't like fire engine red. It fades fast. SAD day. By the way, this is the signature "Christy smirk." It makes a reappearance frequently. 

Then, there was this one time I decided to be a little naughty. And spend $180 dollars on my hair. I wanted it lightened. A lot. I'd say I got my wish:
And that's when it happened. I think I fell in love with being a blonde. It just looks so pretttttty. And it makes my olive-y skin look all peaches and cream. :)

It seems everyone in my life wants me to have dark hair instead though, maybe they're just affraid of change (I know I am not...at least when it comes to my hair)...so I bit the bullet, tucked away the wallet (which was very happy not to have to do the upkeep on blondie blonde hair anymore) and looked to my girl crush, Sophia Bush, for hair inspiration for our engagement photos. 

Sophia Bush is stunningly gorgeous. And she is constantly rocking this amazing auburn hair. I like being a redhead too..but I had my hairstylist throw in some blonde streaks too, cause I'm a rebel like that:
I feel as though this hair color is gorg-eous. But it does make me look a little pale. Which I suppose is normal for redheads...

And thus began my latest "dilemma." Which of the above looks did I want for my wedding day? All my bridesmaids voiced their opinions. And they all bless their crazy little hearts said they wanted me to do the super dark burgundy/black color again. Which I like. I like it a lot. But something was just not sitting right with me about it. 

My wedding is all ivory and blush. Fluffy garden roses and puffy romantic dress. To me, burgundy dark hair had no place here. That would be beautiful with a 1940s inspired lace mermaid gown and calla lillies. Red lips and smoky eyes. If I could have two weddings, that's what I would do. 

So basically, since I like to be defiant sometimes, ask my dad he'll tell ya! I decided to go sit in a salon chair for FOUR hours while my poor, sweet hair dresser toiled away. This is what I looked like after 62...yes sixty two foils had been placed all over my head:
I know, sexy...right??

All this was so that I could once again live my dream of being a blonde again on my wedding day. Don't worry, lovely bridesmaids...I did not go all platinum like last time. I am deciding to call it "honey blonde" and I LOVE it. I can just picture it all swept up in a loose, wavy, romantic chignon with a big floaty flower behind my ear. I am sorry I cannot please everyone on this...but for once...just let me have fun bein' a blonde otay???

See? No platinum here! Just pretty, sunny, honey blonde. I am a happy girl.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meggie Munchkin

On this day, 21 years ago...my parents blessed me with my baby sister, Meghan. From the moment she was born, I called her "my baby." Not my baby sister. Just my baby. That's how I still feel about her. No matter how old or beautiful she gets, she will always be that bouncing, hyper girl with the blonde ringlets and big brown eyes.

Me, Meghan and my big brother Tim. 21 Years ago. 

I once described Meghan as my own personal champagne. There really is no better way to say it. She has this bubbly nature and effervescent smile that can just light you up from the inside out. She is my best friend. My maid of honor. I am fiercely protective of her to this day (even if I do dream of throwing bicycles at her.)

I am a nurturing person by nature. I love taking care of people. Meghan always let me. Just take her under my wing and show her the way. Sometimes, it was really REALLY the wrong way. But, she never doubted me. Just kept on going along for the ride. Through many a Barbie make believe game, to countless high school lacrosse games where we would sit in 15 layers of clothes, still freezing our butts off but laughing the whole time. She became my "bad luck charm" in the car. I think we have been in 3 car accidents together? I blame her...but she just laughs it off and tells me I am just a bad driver. Which I am. 

She can do the B E S T Gollum impression ever and consents to do so whenever I want her to. Just to make me laugh. She loves Nerds and Bubbletape to this day, the grape kind thank you. She is just such a sweet little girl inside of an old soul. Her eyes are knowing. Her smile is infectious. When she cries, I swear the foundation of my soul cracks. She is just so...pure and her sadness is devastating. Which is why I work so hard to make sure she is never sad. I have given my fair share of "I'll kill you if you hurt her" speeches, much to her embarrassment. And even tattled on her a few times for her safety. I may not have ever been the best big sister. But she is the world's greatest little one. 

Thank you God and Mom and Dad for giving me such a wonderful present. I never could have made it this far in life without that little mischievous twinkle in her eyes that cheers me on and without that silly laughter that makes everything right with the world. 

Happy birthday my little Meggie Munchkin. I love you. 

Xavier James

On our way back to civilization from our camping trip, Josh and I were just chatting away when both our phones started going berserk. The second we reached a place where cell service was attainable, they just would not stop beeping and buzzing. We each had somewhere around 25 missed calls and 40 text messages.

We would soon learn that while we were out enjoying the great outdoors, one of the biggest miracles of our lives was happening back at home. Josh's little brother Nick, who had just gotten married last year, was welcoming his first son into the world.

Nick and I have been close since Josh and I became an item. He is such a sweet guy, full of all the love for life and joy I wish I could possess more consistently. It brings tears to my eyes that now there is a mini version of him in this earth.

My first real nephew. And Josh's. We rushed straight home, hopped in the shower and ran to the hospital. This is the most perfect and beautful baby I have ever seen. And Nick was positively beaming with pride at his son:

This photo is just so. s w e e t. It melts my heart. Into a little puddle. 

Josh was nervous at the thought of holding such a teeny baby. He said it makes him nervous because they are so small and fragile and they cant tell him what is wrong when they cry. :( I assured him it would be okay, and that he really needed to hold the baby. It was his first nephew after all. Quietly, he sat in the chair and the baby was placed in his arms. I swear, Josh forgot everything in the room holding that little guy. He just got this look on his face that made me fall so much more madly in love with him. I know now what he will look like one day, holding our own child. 

My big strong Josh. Complete with dirty hat, holding his new baby nephew. Look at how he looks at him. And those protective arms. Okay, I'll stop now. 


And lastly, me. Auntie Christy. :) Just look at that baby, will ya? He has the cutest nose I have ever seen. And perfect little cupid's bow lips. And fluffs of wispy blond hair. *sigh*

World: I introduce to you, your newest heartbreaker. Xavier James, born July 17, 2010.

The Scariest Day of My Life

On our amazing, relaxing camping trip, we decided to take a trip down the road to experience one of the lesser known tourist attractions in Colorado. It turned into the scariest day of my life. And I have lived through a tornado, people.

The town: Rye Colorado

The place: Bishop's Castle

The backstory: Jim Bishop is an anti-government wacko, ahem, I mean personality who decided he was sick of living life on the terms of the U.S.A government. So, he decided to become a reclusive man  who just wanted to build a castle (complete with moat) just because he felt like he could. He invites all people to come experience this building process with him and lets them climb all over the unfinished structure. He stood on a tractor the whole time screaming about how we, as U.S citizens do not need a passport or a driver's liscence. The government has been lying to us. We are giving into "The Man." Ah. It all makes sense now.

Scary because: The castle is roughly 160 feet tall. You can climb all the way up on steps and walkways made out of metal. With holes. And guardrails only as high as my upper thigh. There are also circular staircases inside the turrets which take you right by 6 foot windows. There is nothing stopping anyone from falling out of said windows. I did not know I was scared of heights until this day. Take a look:

At the very top there, you can see a small child hanging off the tower. I was having a heart attack. Oh yeah, and his castle has a dragon on it. SWEET.

I made it up this far. (about 120 feet in the air). Josh made me walk around that precarious walkway and I swear, my palms have never been more sweaty. I plastered myself against the stone wall and he had to coax me back to the stairs like a timid puppy. I was in minor hysterics. He was laughing his a$$ off. Meanie. 

Then I had to make it down the scariest flipping stairs ever invented. Its hard to see by the photo. But these go down the outside of the castle. At about a 70 degree angle. And each step is about 3 inches wide. *wipes palms*

It was a very educational day. We were required to read all the signs and listen to the words of a true crazy man. I was generally concerned for his well being. Josh climbed all the way to the top of the tower and waved at me. My heart stopped for a second. I think I will never go back to such a place again. 

Among the scary tower, there is also a big steel globe you can climb up to that is basically supported by....nothing. And you reach it by two narrow steel bridges, supported by...nothing. I think not! All Josh's little cousins were laughing at me. There goes my sense of pride. I am officially old. And terrified of heights. Good to know!