Thursday, September 16, 2010


So. I stopped doing my "assignments" for awhile. I guess I did not really realize when I started that we only had a month left until the wedding.

All through this entire process, I have felt like the wedding is a distant thought: it's coming, but not for awhile I would tell myself. And breathe. And relax. And take my sweet time going about things.

It finally just hit me today. There are f.i.f.t.e.e.n days until our wedding. FINALLY the big day we have been planning and thinking about for almost two years is almost here. I cannot explain to you really what I am feeling right now, only that it is a kind of peace.

I am not stressed. I am not pulling my hair out. I am calm. HAPPY. Excited. A little antsy. But mostly, I know...without a doubt in my heart, that this is what I should be doing. I am supposed to me getting married to Josh. There is honestly no stress, because I know no matter what at the end of that day...he will be my husband. And there has never been a more calming and beautiful end goal for me in my entire life.

Sure, there are tons of little details yet to be completely nailed down. My feelings about those? Meh! They will all come together...or they won't. The only one who will notice if anything is "off" on my wedding day is me. And I refuse to focus on those things. I am going into this with the most positive outlook I have ever had regarding anything. I am normally one of the most "glass half empty" people out there. But the change in me is solely due to Josh. He makes me so *sigh*...just so content. Ecstatic. Relaxed. Bubbly. I am thrilled to be nearing the date when everyone will see us promise our lives to each other.

For the most part, everything is coming together beautifully. Even I can step back and say just how gorgeous everything sounds and looks. I will post details later, but right now...I am feeling too blissfully irreverent.

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