Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Liscence to Wed!!

It seems as though from now until the wedding will be filled with something to do every.single.day!!!

Josh is getting off work early today (its my day off) so we can do the following:

- Go downtown and meet with the new event planner at the chapel.
- Go to the silly county building where we are going to get OUR MARRIAGE LISCENCE!
- Go to Helzberg to pick out Josh's ring and get it sized if need be. I will also be giving up my ring to get it rhoto-plated again before the big day. Sad!
- Write a bunch of checks for remaining balances on the florist, the harpist, the cake and a limo. Sheesh.

With each of these little things we accomplish, it feels just more and more real. It still feels like we have so much to do, but honestly we are runnin out of time!!! Eek! The wedding nightmares have struck full -force. I am not sure if they are nightmares so much as I just cannot sleep because I am up worrying about all the little details. ugh. I just know I see a light at the end of the tunnel. And I want time to simultaneously slow down and speed up.

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