Monday, September 20, 2010


Oh is our wedding ever creeping up fast. This last weekend was a whirlwind of "lasts" before we seal the deal. Awhile ago, we decided that if I was going to have a Bridal Shower, we should probably just plan it on the same day as my planned Bachelorette Party that way the duplicate guests would not have to take off two days for me in the upcoming weeks. The problem with that theory was that we got the invites in the mail only a week before the event. Apparently, the mailbox I dropped them into gets its mail picked up on Tuesday for the whole weekend. (I dropped them in Saturday morning.) This meant most of my guests did not even get their invites until Thursday/Friday depending how diligent they are about checking their mail. And the event was on Saturday. Did not exactly give a lot of TIME for them to ask off of work, etc.

Because of all that sillyness, my bridal shower was a very "intimate" affair. I think it ended up being about 8 people total. Which actually ended up being perfect and fun. Since it was such a small group, we could all talk together and it really seemed like a nice little get together. My mom really went all out and we had all sorts of yummy appetizers and desserts around. We ended up playing some pretty fun games, one which required me to chew on a mouthful of BubbleTape for a long period of time. Not my fave ;)

After the bridal shower was over, my girlfriends and I got dolled up to go downtown for my Bach Party. I really did not want it to be the "typical" crazy nonsense where lots of fallic symbols were involved. I wanted a more classy, fun type of thing. We rode the lightrail downtown to The Cheesecake Factory, where we had an amazing dinner. And I learned that the bright pink sash I was wearing as per my bridal party's demands garnered me a lot of attention. Eek. We had our first drinks there and then we started walking. When we found a place that looked interesting, we stopped. And had a cocktail. I drank lots of yummy things on Saturday night. And surprisingly, I felt okay yesterday. The only problem was my feet. I had decided to wear my wedding shoes all day/night to "practice." wedding shoes are 5 inches tall. Oh.My.Gosh! I had no idea my feet could hurt so bad. After the cocktails, we decided to go this little sports-y type bar across the street from Coors field. It had an outdoor deck and apparently, I was a dancing queen. That's how I know I was intoxicated. Because...I....don' I believe I got home at almost 5:00 in the morning. Yi!!! I am not a young'in anymore!

I also had my final fitting on Friday. I took my MOH Bri along so she could learn how to lace up the back of Maggie Sottero gown and learn how to do the bustle as well. My dress, since it is so very large and fluffy, has a French bustle. Meaning that it is bustled underneath the dress rather than being buttoned up on the outside. There are TWELVE tie ups under there. And then, there are some normal button/loop bustles on the lace side of the dress. In all, it took about 20 minutes to properly bustle me. Eek. I keep joking that I am going to strap mini fans onto my legs because it gets under there. With my slip on, I believe I have 12 layers of stuff on my legs. Ugh. My slip was just stuck to my legs with sweat.Sexy.

After this weekend, it all feels so so real now. I scheduled my appointment to pick up my dress the day before the wedding. That way, nothing happens to it between now and then. Its sneakin' up! The crunch has begun. I only have a few more things to take care of before it all happens. And I could not be more thrilled.

Now, I'll leave you with some photos of the Bachelorette party. I am bummed because I didnt have anyone take full body photo of us. We all looked very cute. And got many comments that it was a prerequisite to have cute shoes if you are a friend of mine. :)

April and Bri on the lightrail on the way downtown. Wearing their cute "bridal party" buttons that April bought everyone. 

Toasting at The Cheesecake Factory. :) Clockwise from left,  my girls: Katie, Lindsay, Laura, April and Bri. It was so fun to dress up. That magical drink in my hand was a pomegranate margarita. Mmm.

At a swanky bar called the Double Daughters. That guy in between Laura and I is actually the reason for our friendship. In high school, we both fought over him. And then decided rather than hate each other like all girls, we would embrace our similarities. :) It was so crazy running into him on my Bachelorette party. 

These are bathroom pics. I had a paper towel on the bottom of my shoe. But it looks like we're dancing. So that's my story. 

April. <3

BriBri <3

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