Friday, August 13, 2010


Oh Lord. What would the last few weeks of wedding planning be like without some...issues...

The good news is this: the invitations are done and out. I went and bought postage, had an addressing party and sent my babies out. I have even started to get some RSVP cards back in the mail! I have all these gorgeous photos to blog about and with...but here's where the issue comes in. My laptop? My beloved laptop loaded with my beloved photoshop and my extensive wedding budget and check list. I am hoping it is just the power cord, which I compromised by holding that thing on my lap at all sorts of weird angles. The cord just got loose and no longer charged my laptop, no matter how I manipulated it.

We ordered a new one from Amazon that we found a deal on. A new one of those suckers cost $70! Anyway, this new cord was supposed to be delivered yesterday...haven't seen it yet, so I tracked it on Amazon. Apparently, they tried to deliver it on the 11th, deemed it "undeliverable" for God knows what reason and it is already on its way back to California or wherever it came from. Lovely, right? So now...I am sure I will not receive it for another 5 days. UGH! I never realized how much I depend on that computer until has not been fun.

Anyway, I have lots to show and tell but that will just have to wait until we get this particular *issue* worked out. Hopefully, I have the patience to wait it out! I struggle with patience. A lot.

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