Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cast of Characters

Day 3/30: Your Favorite Television Program

Typically, I am one of those people who really hates watching TV all day. The rare exception to that is if I ever wind up on TLC or Discovery Health. I could watch those shows like "Mystery Diagnosis" all day long. I think they are fascinating. 

I am also one of those people that thinks the "reality phenomenon" has gone way too far. Despite the fact that one of my all-time favorite shows is the reality grandparent, Survivor. There have been some stupid seasons, but there have also been some really great ones. I absolutely LOVED Survivor:Australian Outback. It was one of the more exciting seasons to date. I love all the All-Stars like Boston Rob, Colby, and Rupert. 

Apart from silly reality shows though, there have only been a few shows that have really caught and held my interest. My top three:

FRIENDS. My first favorite show, even when I did not understand all the jokes. I love Chandler. And I am Monica. Its just a fact of life. Could this show BE any more hilarious?!

One Tree Hill. The show that is my guilty pleasure. Well, not so much anymore. Once Lucas and Peyton were gone it just was not the same anymore. Great music always plays throughout these shows. I have grown to love all the characters. Plus, they're just so pretty.

LOST. My most recent addiction. I started watching it after it was already off the air. Thanks to Netflix, I had finished the whole series in about 2 months. This was an addictive, mysterious, frustrating engima of a show. I LOVE the characters...Sawyer, Sun, Hurley, Locke and Boone. And got a little annoyed with others *ahem* Kate. SLUT! Haha. I actually liked the end of the show too...lots of people felt cheated by it, but I liked it. There was some good closure, and it left room for the imagination too.

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