Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Heart.

Twenty three years ago, on this day...something magical happened. My Joshua was born.

Although I was only eight months old at the time (yep, I am the cradle robber here), I am sure something happened to me to let me know my soulmate was just born.

All kidding aside, I cannot believe that a person like him even exists. He is the epitome of strong, growing up the oldest of 6 siblings has a way of taking your innocence rather early. I have never seen a day where Josh would not be willing to drop absolutely everything for one of this brothers or sisters. No matter what they needed. The love for his family is unlike anything I have ever seen. It is deep, unwielding...and honestly does not judge. I have never known anyone who can just love. Without judging. It is a sight to see.

He has such a funny streak, although he does not flaunt it or even think he is particularly funny. He has this mischievous twinkle in his eyes sometimes, and his favorite thing to do is tease and tickle. The only reason it is okay is because he does it to be silly. And it works. Usually I end up splayed out on the floor with tears running down my face from laughing so hard. His laugh makes my world complete. There is no chance that you can hear his laugh and not light up inside. It comes all the way from the depths of him. But he is not one to laugh out loud often. He is more of a reserved person. If we are watching a movie, he's more likely to crack a smile than laugh out loud unlike (obnoxious) me. This makes his laughs even more precious. I wish I could capture them and put them in my pocket.

I really just cannot imagine my life without him. I know it sounds cliche, but he is honestly my best friend in the world. He knows everything about me, and loves me anyway. He knows exactly what to do for me at any given moment. If I am fussy, he'll just walk in the door with a Coke...even though I tell him I cant drink Coke anymore. And he'll just stand there offering it to me because he knows I want it. He doesn't boast about knowing it. Just smiles and pulls me into a hug when I crack the bottle open. Somehow, he thinks most of my worst flaws are cute and endearing in some way. I do not know how he puts up with me sometimes, but I am so glad he does. I do not enter into this marriage with him lightly. We have both had our share of baggage. Some that still tries to pop up incessantly. But he is always there to remind me that none of it matters. That he loves me and would not want anything else in this life BUT to marry me. *melt*

Happy Birthday, baby boy. Without you, my heart would be missing the best parts of itself. No one else can make me smile, feel and love like you. You are my everything.

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