Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Scariest Day of My Life

On our amazing, relaxing camping trip, we decided to take a trip down the road to experience one of the lesser known tourist attractions in Colorado. It turned into the scariest day of my life. And I have lived through a tornado, people.

The town: Rye Colorado

The place: Bishop's Castle

The backstory: Jim Bishop is an anti-government wacko, ahem, I mean personality who decided he was sick of living life on the terms of the U.S.A government. So, he decided to become a reclusive man  who just wanted to build a castle (complete with moat) just because he felt like he could. He invites all people to come experience this building process with him and lets them climb all over the unfinished structure. He stood on a tractor the whole time screaming about how we, as U.S citizens do not need a passport or a driver's liscence. The government has been lying to us. We are giving into "The Man." Ah. It all makes sense now.

Scary because: The castle is roughly 160 feet tall. You can climb all the way up on steps and walkways made out of metal. With holes. And guardrails only as high as my upper thigh. There are also circular staircases inside the turrets which take you right by 6 foot windows. There is nothing stopping anyone from falling out of said windows. I did not know I was scared of heights until this day. Take a look:

At the very top there, you can see a small child hanging off the tower. I was having a heart attack. Oh yeah, and his castle has a dragon on it. SWEET.

I made it up this far. (about 120 feet in the air). Josh made me walk around that precarious walkway and I swear, my palms have never been more sweaty. I plastered myself against the stone wall and he had to coax me back to the stairs like a timid puppy. I was in minor hysterics. He was laughing his a$$ off. Meanie. 

Then I had to make it down the scariest flipping stairs ever invented. Its hard to see by the photo. But these go down the outside of the castle. At about a 70 degree angle. And each step is about 3 inches wide. *wipes palms*

It was a very educational day. We were required to read all the signs and listen to the words of a true crazy man. I was generally concerned for his well being. Josh climbed all the way to the top of the tower and waved at me. My heart stopped for a second. I think I will never go back to such a place again. 

Among the scary tower, there is also a big steel globe you can climb up to that is basically supported by....nothing. And you reach it by two narrow steel bridges, supported by...nothing. I think not! All Josh's little cousins were laughing at me. There goes my sense of pride. I am officially old. And terrified of heights. Good to know!

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