Thursday, July 22, 2010

Xavier James

On our way back to civilization from our camping trip, Josh and I were just chatting away when both our phones started going berserk. The second we reached a place where cell service was attainable, they just would not stop beeping and buzzing. We each had somewhere around 25 missed calls and 40 text messages.

We would soon learn that while we were out enjoying the great outdoors, one of the biggest miracles of our lives was happening back at home. Josh's little brother Nick, who had just gotten married last year, was welcoming his first son into the world.

Nick and I have been close since Josh and I became an item. He is such a sweet guy, full of all the love for life and joy I wish I could possess more consistently. It brings tears to my eyes that now there is a mini version of him in this earth.

My first real nephew. And Josh's. We rushed straight home, hopped in the shower and ran to the hospital. This is the most perfect and beautful baby I have ever seen. And Nick was positively beaming with pride at his son:

This photo is just so. s w e e t. It melts my heart. Into a little puddle. 

Josh was nervous at the thought of holding such a teeny baby. He said it makes him nervous because they are so small and fragile and they cant tell him what is wrong when they cry. :( I assured him it would be okay, and that he really needed to hold the baby. It was his first nephew after all. Quietly, he sat in the chair and the baby was placed in his arms. I swear, Josh forgot everything in the room holding that little guy. He just got this look on his face that made me fall so much more madly in love with him. I know now what he will look like one day, holding our own child. 

My big strong Josh. Complete with dirty hat, holding his new baby nephew. Look at how he looks at him. And those protective arms. Okay, I'll stop now. 


And lastly, me. Auntie Christy. :) Just look at that baby, will ya? He has the cutest nose I have ever seen. And perfect little cupid's bow lips. And fluffs of wispy blond hair. *sigh*

World: I introduce to you, your newest heartbreaker. Xavier James, born July 17, 2010.

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