Thursday, July 22, 2010


Can I just say, I love July? It may be my favorite month. Its the best month for getting out, doing fun stuff and getting some sun! *ahem* quite possibly the worst month for blogging, but that is about to change my friends. I assure you, I have been B U S Y, that might even be the understatement of the year.

As all the busy-ness of July is coming to a close, I do find myself having regular nightmares about the wedding. Is the normal? Anyone? Hello....?

The first one was the worst. I dreamed that I went to bed on July 5th and woke up the next day and it was somehow October 1st. Cue panic attack. My dress had not been fully paid for yet and they were holding it at the store. My bridesmaids didn't fit into their dresses and they were all telling me they would just wear green to the wedding. (Green  is not anywhere near one of my wedding colors) My florist, also struck by this odd time traveling phenomenon had no time to go gather my beautiful garden roses from their happy little home in Texas, so I was informed I would be carrying a bouquet of carnations down the aisle. Finally, and definitely worst of all: Josh was missing. His groomsmen had taken him on a "man-trip" to the mountains and no one had seen or heard from him in days. Needless to say, I woke up from this dream in a cold sweat, with a few more gray hairs to my name. Eesh.

Since, they have been more frequent but less dramatic. More so annoying. It's always something though. I am missing my hair flower. I never bought shoes. I am supposed to be at the church in 5 minutes and my hair is not done and I am not tan and my legs are hairy. You know, the usual.

The bonus is there are no cold feet going on whatsoever. Just a whole lotta freaky dreams. I really should not be surprised. I am famous for having the weirdest dreams of all time. Just ask my sister. There have been days when I woke up mad at her about something she did to me in my dreams. One time, we went camping (in real life) and everyone told me not to bring my engagement ring, so nothing would happen to it. I didn't listen and wound up having the most delusional dream of my life. I dreamed Meghan had stolen my ring, broke it into a thousand pieces and hid it under a big rock. When I could not find it and was searching frantically, I found it there. Side note: do not even began asking me how a diamond ring could be broken into a thousand pieces. I know not of what I dream. :) Anyways, I didn't get to confront Meghan about it until we were in a Wal-Mart. Again, why we were there...I will never know, especially when we had only been camping five minutes before. Once she confessed, it became my life's mission to beat the living tar out of her with every imaginable item in Wal-Mart. I distinctly remember throwing a b i c y c l e. Yes. Please don't interpret my dream, I am scared to know what goes on inside my little head.

All I have to say is, it runs in the family. Just the other day, my mom gave my fiance a complex for life spelling out one of her crazy dreams. You see, she dreamt I left Josh for a soldier named Ramos. He had 3 kids and a tattoo across his chest that said, "Stefanie." With an F. My mom tried to convince me to come back and be with Josh, but no. I was with Ramos now.

See? If I am crazy, I am blaming it on my mom. Now everytime Josh gets the opportunity he brings up my true love, Ramos. If I get off the phone as I am walking through the door: "You were talking to Ramos, weren't you?" Lol. Yep, we're all a little bit wacko here in the G-fam. Now, onto bigger and better things....

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