Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Catch Up Day

Wow. I really am doing horribly at keeping up with blogging lately. Guess it's time to play catch up!

Just a few days ago, we reached yet another huge milestone. We are now exactly five months away from the big day. All I can say about that, is that - just like expected - time is moving incredibly fast. That is both good and bad. Good- because I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with Josh as my husband! Bad- because there is still SO much to do and I honestly wonder sometimes how it is all going to get done!

My new job is going well. I am loving the fact that for the first time in 4 years, it's not really a job that requires strenuous thinking on a daily basis. All I mean by that is, basically I just have to show up and go through the motions. And often, the store is pretty slow, so that leaves me a lot of time to scheme and dream up things for the wedding. All this downtime convinced me too, that I should go back to school. That is a pretty big step for me since I swore off college about two years ago after starting but not finishing my 2nd consecutive semester. I really did not have a choice. It was so upsetting to me to watch all my friends just go to school and work when they could. I had to work...that came first. So I decided I was not going to let it get the better of me, and I would just act like I was too cool for school. :) Well, after a couple years it is fairly obvious that you cannot get anything besides a retail job without a college degree. I originally went to school to become a teacher. After teaching at a preschool (much different than high school yes, but still ) I realized maybe that was not the proper place for me. I love people. I love planning. I love making things easier for others. When I do finally go back, I'll be going to get my degree in Hospitality and Tourism. I figure there is so much I could do with that degree...my main goal is to use it to be a catering manager in a hotel. That way, I can help other brides plan their perfect day, and wedding planning will always be a part of my life!

Anyway, future dreams aside...we had to figure out how to make this wedding happen. Even with me working, the money situation was not looking good. Josh and I had a big heart to heart and laid everything out on the table. What we have. What we need. What we can go without. We made a huge Excel spreadsheet of everything and its cost and after doing that, it looks like we can make it happen with lots of help. Thankfully we have so many amazing people in our lives willing to support us through this whole endeavor. It is really special to have people on our side who realize how much Josh and I love eachother and want not only this wedding...but this marriage.

On the list right now: invitations. Those suckers are killing me. Currently, I am staring at the pile of unmade pocketfolds on the table with extreme amounts of loathing. At some point today, I will just have to suck it up, throw on some Pandora and get cracking. *sigh*

On a *lighter* note: my workout regimin really seems to be working. I have been at it for a little over a month and I have lost 10 pounds. I am already almost at my goal weight for the wedding. When I started working out, these were my various body measurements:

Bust: 34.5"
Upper Arm: 11.5"
Waist: 28"
Hips: 38.5" <--------this is the killer. I HATE my huge hips.
Upper Thigh: 24" <-------also incredibly gross to me
Thigh: 19.5"

A month later, after working out 5 days a week: 45 minutes to an hour of strength training and dance pilates and then 12 minutes per day of cardio:

Bust: 31" <-----figures these would be the first to go lol
Upper Arm: 10"
Waist: 25.5"
Hips: 36"
Upper Thigh: 21"
Thigh: 18"

Altogether that creates a total loss of 14.5 inches from around my body. I am not a very big person to begin with. I am absolutely shocked at the results I have seen so far. No gimmicks. No fad diets. Just good old fashioned working out and sweating. It has been so hard. Every day I have a few minutes where I just want to give up. And then I pull out the old size 5s out of the closet and they slip on easily and it is all worth it. I have not been in a size 5 since I was a senior in high school. Ultimately I would like to get down to a size 3. I know I still need to be healthy though so I am just going to keep doing what I am doing and let my body do what it feels like. I already look and feel so much better. It is so nice not to look in the mirror and be disgusted. The best part? No more squishy spots around the top of my pants. I think I was 15 the last time I could say that!
I will post photos of the before and after workout pretty soon. If I can manage to not be completely embarrassed by the before ones.

Our Charlie looks like a full grown dog now. Granted he is still little, but compared to the little punkin we brought home, he just seems huge now. He is so completely hilarious. Everyone keeps telling me I should write a book about life with Charlie. I keep joking I could call it "Charlie and Me" instead of "Marley and Me"...he really is just as much trouble as that dog. The other day, I was about to be late for work...frantically looking for my car keys. I remembered I left them on the end table (a very bad idea with Charlie). After tearing the living room apart, something told me the little monster had taken them outside. I had no clue where to even begin looking...but I was walking by a planter on the back patio when Charlie did a rather gymnastic pounce into it. Dirt went flying everywhere and the unmmistakable sound of metal clinking together rang out. He had buried my keys in the planter! It was all such a fun game for him to show me where they were too. I honestly could not even be mad. I was laughing too hard. He is almost 5 months old now and our (well Josh's) current heartache is that we have to "de-man" him soon. Ha ha. When we talk about neutering Charlie, you would think we were talking about doing it to Josh. He just looks so appalled at the idea. :) Men.

Charlie the day we brought him home (8 weeks old)
***note how he is smaller than one of those photo boxes which is like a shoe box***

Charlie today. (5 months)

His ears turned super pointy on us! My dad says he looks like a bat. I would have to agree. He also sits funny all the time like in this photo...all far back on his hips. Goofy. But we love him.

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