Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm Blind!!!!

Tomorrow is a day I have been dreading for a very LONG time. It is eye doctor day. Just as a little bit of background, I have one fear that is completely irrational and crippling...and that would be anyone/anything being unneccesarily close to my eyeballs! My eyes are watering at the mere thought of that flipping puff test I will have to endure tomorrow!

I usually put this appointment off much too long because I hate it so much. I basically go from a well put together, calm person into a quivering puddle of nerves once I am sitting in that chair and those creepy goggles move towards my face. I cannot explain's just terrible. The bigger problem than all this is that my vision actually sucks. I used to just squint at things far away and be fine...seems 5 years of doing that will play games with your eyesight. Basically, I have been walking around life pretty substantially blind for almost an entire year. It really does not seem THAT bad until I try to drive at night. I can see the lines of the road and brake lights, but if you expect me to read a street sign, you're gonna be sorely disappointed. It's also bad when I try to watch TV. I noticed just the other day that I am getting a REALLY cute wrinkle right between my eyebrows from all the squinting I do. *sigh* Guess I cannot live in my happy little eye-doctor-less bubble any longer.

The other problem with this scenario is that I have terrible allergies. Super horrible. It's to the point where I am sneezing more often than not. I take 2 benadryl every day...that's right EVERY DAY. It really sucks, but I would rather spend most of my life kinda cloudy from Benadryl  than stuffing Kleenex up my nose. Not only is it annoying to have a runny nose, but the Benadryl dries my eyes out soooo bad. This makes contact wearing damn near impossible. I am stubborn and don't want glasses and I cannot afford Lasik (which they would have to sedate me for anyway). Therefore, because I am vain (hah!) I must make myself suffer in contacts. Typically, I can get through my day...but after like 7 or 8 hours in those little buggers I am ready to rip my eyes out...the sandpaper feeling is definitely not one of my faves...and neither is that super attractive red eye look. Yet another problem I face is that I have SUPER round eyes. So most contacts feel pretty tight. To put it lightly, at the end of a day of wearing contacts, my eyes burn, feel super scratchy and feel like they are being suctioned out. Yes, I know, sexy huh?

The point of this long drawn out rant is to say that tomorrow I am sucking it up, asking for the most expensive, cushy and moist contacts they carry...and getting a pair of glasses. I figure this way, on those days I cannot handle the torture of contacts, I can wear glasses. I still think I look so dumb in glasses but hopefully I will be able to find something cute.

Wish me luck! I'll be updating tomorrow I am sure if I make it through this traumatic ordeal!


  1. omgosh! I hope your appointment goes well! I feel the same way as you do about eye appointments. I just got poked and prodded for weeks by an eye doctor just to be told they wont do lasik on me yet.

  2. And then there was light! Hope the contacts work out! Love you
