Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring in Colorado

I don't know if I really did not pay attention to it growing up, or if it is just more important to me now that I have a brand new car that I don't want to get "hurt"...but the weather in Colorado is absolutely.freaking.insane.

On Monday of this week, I was walking around the house in shorts and flip flops, taking Charlie for a long walk and sitting on my patio trying to get some color on my legs.

On Tuesday, I was doing some laundry when Charlie started barking. I turned down my blaring Pandora Radio (Brad Paisley station <3) and heard something VERY odd. It was hailing! And not just random little bits of a complete flood of hailstones. Two thoughts went through my head: 1. Oh, God not another tornado!!! and 2. My CAR!!!

This is what I saw when I looked out the window.

It looked like this within 10 minutes. (Honestly)

See! It really was hail!

I shook my head and went back inside, chalking this insanity up to living in Colorado in the spring. Josh got home an hour later saying these crazy things about a blizzard. I went out on the porch with him and he was right!

Random blizzard.

Excuse Josh's's not a ghostie. 

I can only imagine the reactions of people not from here. They probably thought the apocalypse was happening. Lets just keep our fingers (and toes) crossed that we are not subjected to Colorado's bi-polar tendencies on October 1st! And now, I am officially an old lady...talkin about the weather!

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